2024 is going to be a great year! I am thankful that Ottawa County elected Pro-America, Pro-Parental Rights commissioners during the 2022 election cycle. These commissioners are now standing in the gap to protect The People and promote FREEDOM in a culture and country that becomes increasingly authoritarian, embraces moral relativism, and rejects the truth.
I’m excited to review 2023 accomplishments next week during the State of the County address and see how Vetted Republicans delivered on campaign promises to preserve the heritage of Ottawa County.
The Conservative Republicans leading the Board of Commissioners will continue to make decisions to keep Ottawa County prosperous, safe, and a thriving community where freedom rings for our children and grandchildren.
There are no short-term solutions. The problems facing America must be won at the local level. Republicans must focus on leading in the most critical areas of society, especially as it relates to social and cultural issues.
America is a beautiful country built on the timeless principles of liberty and individual rights. By the grace of God, Ottawa County will continue to be a place where people can work hard, raise their families, and live peaceful lives.